57 School Rd.
Jonesboro, ME 04648
(207)434-2600 - fax
Jonesboro Elementary School
Marjorie Hicks, Principal
Scott Porter, Superintendent of AOS 96
Mary Maker, Director of Special Education Services
Jonesboro is a small community of 500 people, built along the banks of the Chandler River and nestled in the mid-coast area of Washington County.
It was settled in the mid 1700s and incorporated in 1809 originally known as Chandlers River, the village thrived on forestry, sawmills and shipbuilding for many years.
The inhabitants of Jonesboro pride themselves in maintaining their own PreK-8 Elementary School, an excellent Volunteer Fire Department and is the home of many independent and successful businesses.
A motel and golf course are just a few of the businesses that attract locals, tourist and many folks from surrounding areas.